Dr. Mansi Vira, ND, Q&A: How I Use HRV Biofeedback With Patients

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Tell me about yourself.

I am a Naturopathic Doctor, certified YogaBody Breath Coach, Nutrition Therapist, Reiki Master and classical Indian dancer. I love experimenting in the kitchen, motivational writing, and getting lost in nature’s meditations.

What type of patients do you work with? 

I work with patients who suffer from chronic illness, digestive health issues, autoimmune disease, trauma, women’s health related issues, and mental health challenges.

What is your approach to helping patients achieve their health and wellness goals?  

I do detective work to identify and treat the root cause of disease instead of treating symptoms. I also educate and empower patients to take back their health into their own hands and use a preventative approach to medicine.

I do functional testing when necessary and use botanical medicine, supplements, lifestyle recommendations, hydrotherapy, nutrition therapy, and movement therapy as part of my treatment.

I also respect the deep interconnectedness between the mind, body, and spirit and use various mind-body techniques to address physical, mental, and emotional health such as emotional freedom technique (EFT), breath work, and dance as therapy. I truly believe the body has the innate capacity to heal itself if nudged in the correct way.

How did you become interested in heart rate variability? 

Interesting question! I actually became interested in heart rate variability (HRV) because of my own challenges with POTS symptoms and dysautonomia. For years, I knew something was “off” and it wasn’t until I tracked my HRV that I could show my doctors that something indeed was off.

While the awareness around HRV is slowly increasing as both a diagnostic and prognostic marker, it’s still not widely talked about. Witnessing the shift in my own HRV, especially while engaging in activities such as breath work, healing, and meditating, inspires me to spread awareness about HRV and the many interventions we can use to enhance it.

How does HRV tracking and HRV biofeedback help your patients? 

We live in a data-centric and solutions driven culture. I find that patients are often only willing to make changes in their routines when they have multiple data points in front of them, even if their symptoms and some basic testing point to the need for change.

HRV tracking and biofeedback would be beneficial for so many of my patients who may not be convinced about the impact small changes in their daily routine can have for their overall wellness, mood, and energy. The tracking and biofeedback features would also benefit those who cannot commit to a wellness routine but are motivated to optimize their physical and mental/emotional health.

Who would be a good fit for the Lief program? 

In my opinion, the ideal use case for the Lief program would be those suffering or healing from mental health challenges, such as anxiety and stress, POTS/dysautonomia, and trauma. While these may sound like niche populations, most people may actually fit into one or more of these categories. In that light, anyone and everyone can benefit from the Lief program, even if it is short term – the program allows people to establish a baseline and create a customized treatment protocol, if necessary, that will specifically help them meet their wellness goals.

Anything else you’d like to share?

The Lief device is easy to use and connects to an app where you can also track your real-time data. Super neat biohack!

How to Get in Touch?

Email: contact@drmansivira.com

Website: www.drmansivira.com

Instagram handle: @dr.mansivira

Phone: 732-786-3986

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